

Introduction: Your Soul & Working Through the Workshop




Thoughts to Words

Open Mind


Nurturing the Garden


Your Soul

[Est. time: 7 minutes]

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Our soul is, perhaps, the most intangible part of who we are, and yet, it plays a deeply important and foundational role in our “self.” It is our essence - the immaterial part of us that is ever-present and constant throughout our lives, our experiences, challenges, and changes. As such, exploring our experiences up until now, with curiosity and compassion, allows us to understand the ways in which they have shaped us - what we’ve held onto that it is time to release and what we’ve forgotten that it is time to remember. 

Just as we consider our subconscious programming in the MIND series, it is equally essential to consider, investigate, and release the emotional aspect of this programming as well. Just as our mind stores memories, behaviors, and coping mechanisms as programs in our subconscious, our bodies store emotions. Everything, be it experience, thought, action, etc., has an emotional component that is chemically released in the body. We form blockages throughout our lives as certain experiences cause us to close, to protect ourselves and our souls. In these instances, certain coping mechanisms may have been established (that no longer serve us) because we do not know how to understand, process, and heal in the face of closing. Most of us were never taught how to do this. Nevertheless, it is essential to step into our empowerment. When we do not heal or release, our potential is limited and our souls are blocked. 

This workshop guides us in exploring our experiences and provides an empowering framework to compassionately understand the ways in which these experiences caused us to close, betray our authenticity, limit the expression of our soul, and establish beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that once served us but no longer do. As Dr. Mariel Buquè reminds us, “Our humanity comes in layers. Which is why healing must be multidimensional.” Moving through each lesson, we will explore different stages and dimensions of ourselves, our journeys, and our lives that impact us and our empowerment. We will understand and navigate where we are being disempowered and what we can do to heal, release, and reclaim our empowerment in order to actualize our full potential. 

Each one of us is capable of achieving this empowerment - living intentionally from our souls, in alignment and harmony. As we heal and release, we calibrate the balance and strength of internal foundation. Doing so allows us to move through life with grace and peace, regardless of whether the wind of our life is still or a tornado.


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